Videos to help with everyday issues…

For those of you with children in grades K or 1 (and maybe grade 2), Sesame Street continues to create amazing videos to help with everyday issues. My personal opinion is that when kids watch the show in its entirety, they can miss the important messages being shared. However, when you sit with your child and watch just one segment and take the time to discuss its meaning, I think they are an excellent resource.

Here are a few of my favorites (so far!)….

“The Waiting Game”  – Have your child try to figure out all the different strategies Cookie Monster uses to wait!

“Patience” – Try to notice when when Zac and Elmo take deep breaths to help them remain patient.

“Stubborn” – You may want to pair this video with Patience. They do a great job showing what Stubborn is, but they don’t demonstrate how to then be flexible.